Good quality sleep and the right amount of sleep makes us more capable of dealing with everyday challenges. Good sleep gives us more energy and means that we make fewer mistakes.
10 tips for a good night's sleep
- Be physically active - not too close to bedtime.
- Get enough sleep - preferably 7-8 hours.
- Sleep regularly - keep fixed bedtimes.
- Make the bedroom a carefree zone.
- Avoid tablets and phones before bedtime.
- Introduce relaxing rituals.
- Do not eat and drink before bedtime.
- Keep the bedroom dark and cool.
- Reduce your stress level.
- Avoid caffeinated drinks and alcohol before bedtime.
Source: Vidensrad for Forebyggelse, 2015
Sleep and stress are inextricably linked
A state of stress will affect you so you might have difficulties falling asleep. At the same time, a good night's sleep is essential for being able to resist stress.
If you do not sleep well, you have to do something to bring down your stress level, and if you are stressed, you have to pay particular attention to prioritising your sleep.