Annual report 2024: Solid result, continued high premiums and good returns to customers
Velliv's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Kim Kehlet Johansen comments on the report:
"As a customer-owned pension company, we naturally put our customers at the forefront of everything we do. Therefore, I’m pleased that in 2024, our customers received DKK 28.4 billion in returns, a record for Velliv. At the same time, I’m proud and humble that our customer satisfaction among employees at our corporate customers is the highest on the market, particularly because it’s our advisory services and communication that drives this first place. We deliver a result after tax of DKK 699 million, corresponding to a satisfactory 15.3 per cent return on equity. As a direct result, our customers can expect to receive a cash bonus from Velliv Foreningen again in May 2025. This underlines the unique value of our business model and ownership".
Financial highlights
- Gross Written Premiums (GWP) of DKK 34.2bn (DKK 34.1bn in 2023)
- Result after tax of DKK 699m (DKK 930m in 2023)
- Result of health and accident insurance business of DKK -588m (DKK -581m in 2023)
- Customer returns of DKK 28.4bn (DKK 23.4bn in 2023)
- Average APR, VækstPension Index, 0.47 per cent (0.48 per cent) and VækstPension Aktiv 0.99 per cent (1.05 per cent)
- Cost ratio of provisions of 0.34 per cent (0.39 per cent in 2023)
Learn more about the result from CEO Kim Kehlet Johansen here. The video is in Danish, but you can select subtitles in English by clicking the subtitles icon in the bottom of the video.
Another year with top returns from VækstPension Index
Velliv's customers received a total return of more than DKK 28 billion last year - the highest return in Velliv's history. With a customer return of 13.9 per cent for customers with medium risk and 15 years to retirement, VækstPension Index placed itself at the very top of the commercial pension market. VækstPension Index has delivered returns that are among the best in the industry over both short and long term. The strong returns and the lowest costs on the market (APR is 0.47 per cent) are the primary reasons why more than 60 per cent of new funds are being invested in VækstPension Index. VækstPension Aktiv and VækstPension Aftryk delivered returns of 11.2 and 11.0 per cent, respectively, in 2024. The investment costs (APR) of VækstPension Aktiv fell from 1.05 per cent in 2023 to 0.99 per cent in 2024. And for 2025, the APR is expected to decrease by a further approx. 8 per cent.
More Danes affected by long-term illness
An increasing number of Danes are affected by long-term illness. The number of Danes with reduced earning capacity and health-related early retirement now totals 490,000, an increase of approximately 20 per cent from 2020 to 2024. This development also affects our customers, where 2024 unfortunately again showed more illnesses.
Velliv wants to play an active part in reversing this trend in healthcare. Therefore, Velliv is investing increasingly in prevention. We are continuously training more than 2,000 health ambassadors among our corporate customers, as well as our health experts are providing a steady hand of support to more and more sick customers through tailored prevention or treatment programmes on the customer’s terms. At the same time, we remain comitted to the traditional Velliv characteristics of being present and caring.
Hear more about Velliv’s health initiatives from Health Director Julie Engelund Sander in the video. The video is in Danish, but you can select subtitles in English by clicking the subtitles icon in the bottom of the video.
We are also looking forward to launching a brand new health insurance this summer, which will further strengthen our health offering.
Discover more on the development in Velliv
- Velliv's investments make a difference to the lungs of the planet: Into the rainforest: Investments that make a difference
- Velliv has the most satisfied employees among corporate customers (in Danish only): Velliv ligger nummer 1 i Aalunds Pensionsbarometer
- Soon you can live in Velliv’s new intergenerational living community (in Danish only): Naboliv - fællesskab mellem generationer