List of shares - Velliv works actively with responsible investments
Velliv works actively with responsible investments, and we believe that corporate governance through dialogue and cooperation with the companies in which we invest is the best way to influence and change the conduct of the companies.
If this dialogue does not result in positive changes, we will eventually divest from the company in question and place it on our list of excluded companies.
Our list of excluded companies also comprises companies which manufacture biological and chemical weapons, land mines, cluster bombs and nuclear bombs and companies which are considered to be environmentally damaging, for example, if the primary activities depend on coal.
In order to ensure the right risk spreading in our portfolios, we invest both directly in shares and via funds together with other investors. When we invest via a fund, the fund’s governance policy is determined by the fund manager which controls it.
We always ensure that the fund managers with which we collaborate operate with a fair and comprehensive policy for responsible investments.